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Membership Matters

The California Clinical Laboratory Association has grown to become instrumental in the formation and enactment of State and Federal laboratory legislation. Its activities include monthly business meetings and an annual meeting held in November of each year. Continue reading to discover the benefits of becoming a CCLA member.

CCLA Member Benefits

Monthly Meetings and/or Teleconference Calls

By attending the CCLA monthly meetings or by being on a teleconference call, attendees will be able to keep current on the latest industry developments and shape the public policy positions taken on state legislation and other important matters.

Legislative Advocacy

By adopting a proactive approach to lobbying, CCLA has the ability of articulating membership issues of concern to out state representatives. This approach will insure that our industry needs are being met and that appropriate industry standards are being set and enforced.

Annual Conference

By attending the annual conference on current industry issues, attendees will receive the educational edge needed to meet daily business challenges.

The annual conference allows for ample networking opportunities, and the chance for vendors to participate with table top exhibits.

Clinical Laboratory Community Networking

By being a member of CCLA, you will be able to network with other professionals in the clinical laboratory community. Being a part of CCLA will give you the ability to discuss topics of interest with other laboratories. Many clinical laboratories experience the same challenges and obstacles. CCLA provides a forum to help you find common ground and tackle the issues together.

CCLA meetings provide a valuable forum in which to collaboratively discuss and address clinical laboratory issues in California.
Laurie Howard, Labcorp